Chez Laurent Roussarie

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Sémantique formelle

vendredi 19 novembre 2004, par Laurent Roussarie

Un peu de biblio

Cresswell, M. J. (1976). The semantics of degree. In B. Partee (ed.), Montague Grammar, pp. 261-292. Academic Press, New York. [bib]
Heim, I. (1985). Notes on comparatives and related matters. Unpublished ms., University of Texas, Austin.
[bib | http]
Heim, I. (2000). Degree operators and scope. In B. Jackson & T. Matthews (eds), Proceedings of SALT X, pp. 40-64, Ithaca, NY. CLC Publications. [bib]
Hellan, L. (1981). Towards an Integrated Analysis of Comparatives. G. Narr Verlag, Tübingen. [bib]
Kennedy, C. (2004). Comparatives, semantics of. In Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier, Oxford, second edition. [bib]
Klein, E. (1980). A semantics for positive and comparative adjectives. Linguistics & Philosophy, 4:1-45. [bib]
Klein, E. (1991). Comparatives. In A. von Stechow & D. Wunderlich (eds), Semantics. An International Handbook of Contemporary Research, pp. 673-691. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin-New York. [bib]
Larson, R. K. (1988). Scope and comparatives. Linguistics & Philosophy, 11:1-26. [bib]
Schwarzschild, R. & Wilkinson, K. (2002). Quantifiers in comparatives: A semantics of degree based on intervals. Natural Language Semantics, 10(1):1-41. [bib]
Seuren, P. A. M. (1973). The comparative. In F. Kiefer & N. Ruwet (eds), Generative Grammar in Europe, pp. 528-564. Reidel. [bib]
von Stechow, A. (1984). Comparing semantic theories of comparison. Journal of Semantics, 3:1-77. [bib]
von Stechow, A. (2003). Different approaches to the semantics of comparison. Lecture Notes, Eastern Generative Grammar (EGG 2003), Lublin. [bib | http]

Liens & documents

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Sémantique(s) formelle(s) de la comparaison
Présentation du 18 nov. 2004 dans le groupe de travail « Présupposition » du GDR « Sémantique et Modélisation ».

- Groupe comparaison du GDR Sémantique & Modélisation.
- Von Stechow (2003) et d’autres documents téléchageables sont ici.
- La page de Chris Kennedy.
- Des papiers de Irene Heim disponibles (enfin !) @

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